Covers girl! Shakira scores front of three magazines at same time as Billboard, Latina and People En Espanol showcase singer

Cover girl: Shakira graced the cover of the March 15 edition of Billboard magazine
Cover girl: Shakira graced the cover of the March 15 edition of Billboard magazine
Second cover: Shakira also landed the April cover of Latina magazine
Second cover: Shakira also landed the April cover of Latina magazine
Cover three: Shakira talked about family life and her philanthropic work in the April edition of People En Espanol
Cover three: Shakira talked about family life and her philanthropic work in the April edition of People En Espanol
Gown and veil: Shakira shared a photo via Twitter on Sunday of herself in a flowing white gown and veil
Gown and veil: Shakira shared a photo via Twitter on Sunday of herself in a flowing white gown and veil
Dance-off: Shakira and fellow judge Usher engaged in a robotic dance-off last week on The Voice after lobbying for the same singer
Dance-off: Shakira and fellow judge Usher engaged in a robotic dance-off last week on The Voice after lobbying for the same singer
Happy family: Shakira hands over son Milan to his father Gerard Pique before a soccer match last September in Spain
Happy family: Shakira hands over son Milan to his father Gerard Pique before a soccer match last September in Spain

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